Hello there. Just thought I would write a quick post to let you know how Peep is going. Peep is the show for 0-3 year-olds that I'm in at the Macrobert in Stirling. I'm performing in the show and I've also written the music. We opened on the 9th December and it runs until 24th.
So far it's been going really well and we've had lots of very happy audience members (babies, toddlers and adults!) The show is in the form of a performance installation so the children have the opportunity to explore the space as they come in. They also are allowed to wander about during the show so that they can interact with the performance in a way that they are comfortable with. This of course can be quite tricky as a performer - Lottie (the actor) and I have to be on our toes to alter the performance elements. Sometimes we have a fairly quiet audience who are happy to find a viewing space and take it all in from there, and sometimes we have children following us around as we perform. It's a really enjoyable piece to be a part of as it feels very fresh and hugely appropriate for such a young audience with short attention spans!
We have just had a really good review in The Stage - read it here.